Saturday, May 9, 2015


So originally I wasn't going to blog about Mother's Day because everyone who blogs does... And then I overheard a comment this evening that changed my mind.

I work for an organization that works with single moms and so we make our event in May focused on celebrating them and showering them with extravagant love... Tonight I overheard a mom say... 

"I hate Mother's Day... What I wouldn't give for it to be just another day"

As my heart saddened at the words she spoke I realized that she had just verbalized my very thoughts.

Mother's Day signifies all of my short comings as a mom. On a day where we as mothers are supposed to feel loved and celebrated... I am made acutely aware that I'm alone... That my life hasn't turned in any way as I planned and that on top of that... My choices now affect two beautiful boys... To say that grief is overwhelming would be a gross understatement. 

Even now as I sit writing this I would much rather be in the corner... Rocking...  With chocolate... And maybe wine... Acutely aware that tomorrow I will slap on a smile and graciously accept all of the "Happy Mother's Day" comments and pretend to go unphased... 

But in the dark parts of my soul I will be screaming inside.."It's just not the same... You can't understand... Unless you feel like me" ... Which tonight I was reminded... Others do..

So when you encounter moms tomorrow.... Stay-at-home, working, married, single and any other type you can think of. Rather than wishing her a generic "Happy Mother's Day"... Let me challenge you to encourage her intentionally... Pick something you've seen her shine in and let her know how much you appreciate that instead. Because your words are important... Speak them with purpose rather than duty. 

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