Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Welcome to my brain... and other related things.

Have you ever wished that you knew what someone was thinking... that if you could see into their brain you would understand them better...

If you ever tried to see into my brain, madness might occur... If you've ever observed me chuckling to myself, I'm not crazy I promise!  There is a constant commentary going on in my brain that if  you could be privy to would do one of two things.
1. Suck you in as it does me
2. Make you run for the hills... I'm not a horrible person I promise!
So in attempts to bring some of that disaster that is awkwardness, one-liners and corny jokes to the masses we now have.... a blog. 

A perfect example... this morning BEFORE our morning routine the following occurred:
 (in brain commentary will be colored)

"mom... mom! MOM! MOMMMMM!!!!"  This is Alexander (age 3) yelling from him bed...as if I didn't hear him the first time.  I'm so grateful that my children stay in bed and that I don't have to deal with the constant up and down at bedtime... until 7am when rather than getting out of bed and coming to me... he waits for me to come to him. Maybe if I lie here long enough he will be quiet and forget he was yelling for me
"MOMMMMMMM I'm WET! You need to change me"  The maid isn't on duty yet!
.... grumbling because I have 27 more minutes until my alarm would go off, I fumble blindly for my glasses and get out of bed. 
 "Ouch!" who left that laundry basket there... pretty sure it wasn't me... can't blame Jeff he's not here anymore... must have been me... %&$@!
 ... and as I stumble over what appear to be THREE more laundry baskets to get to the hallway (Clearly I should have put the baskets together before I went to bed) and into Alexander's room there he is... giggling... smiling... man it's a good thing he's cute 
"Mom! I'm wet... Murphy (the stuffed dog) is wet too" and sure enough the odor of urine assaults my nose.
As I lifted him out of bed and take him to get changed he stops... and so very sweetly says... 
"Mom, you're beautiful in the morning" Mr. Smooth-talker himself ladies and gentlemen...man am I in trouble 
How can you be annoyed at that.... you just can't... 

.... all before my morning coffee... remember you gave up coffee... idiot!


  1. Ha! Great post! :)
    Give up coffee, you say? Hmm, will we be drinking tea or smoothies Saturday? ;)

    1. I know! still not sure what I was thinking... maybe steamed milk haha :)

  2. Bahahaha...thanks for the good read and insight. Sounds like you surely have a smooth talker on your hands. Keep up the fun blog :)

  3. Mmmmm.... Steamed milk........ Wait, what were we talking about? Thanks for the blog. I'm pretty sure we're related. At least cerebrally?

    1. Gretchen we absolutely are :) Brain Sisters... It'll be a new thing :)
