Sunday, March 19, 2017


In society today there are many categories that fall under the “addiction” subtitle. Sobriety is defined as “not affected by alcohol” but that definition has been adapted to include a variety of substances which one might abstain from.

Often, the lifestyle of an addict is stereo-typed to include legal troubles, relational issues and to infer that the only acceptable way to pursue sobriety is through the 12 Step Program... Don't get me wrong... the 12 Step Program is great... I am in NO way suggesting that it hasn't been highly effective for millions of people.

Unfortunately, what has become the cultural norm of addiction, or, the addict stereo type, does not include those of us who live daily with probably one of the most common addictions and deathly cycle there is... food.

For me, food has been my constant. It has always been there for me. I know what to expect, I know how it will make me feel, and I know how and where to get it. It's not an illegal substance, it doesn't actually hurt people or lead directly to death through impairment. It is necessary to survive. It makes me feel better.

Those are the lies I've told myself all of my life. My dependence on food rather than another addictive substance has been easily justified through societal allowances and my own deception.

The reality... it's killing me. It is damaging my relationships and while it hasn't caused me any legal troubles, it has impacted and hinders my daily functioning beyond what is acceptable. It has impacted my children and the decisions they make while at the same time causing them to buy into the mind set that “it's safe.”

In attempting to restart my life over the last month or two, it became very clear to me that my dependence on food had reached a place that required adjustment... right now! I could no longer live in the denial that “I was doing ok” or “I'm just big-boned.” That I was the smart and witty one and so no one really cared if I was chunky. That my intellect and ability to fix things was outweighing the need to be healthy; that even if I could give really good advice, I was still modeling an unhealthy pattern that people could actually pick up on.

I quietly watched as two people whom I admire greatly in many areas, and who have been very dear friends of mine, sought to become healthy and change their lives... and they aren't really overweight like I am... They just decided to be better for themselves and their children. I didn't say anything to them, and I doubt they have any idea how much they impacted my desire to seek change. Not just to lose weight, but to be healthy, and in the end... to be there for my children as the best mom I can be. Thank you so much for inspiring me.

And thus begins my journey of change. I'm not going to lie... it has SUCKED! I have cried through work outs, sobbed in the shower, had every muscle in my body ache and to be even more honest... it's not getting better... yet... But, I am better. I'm happier, I have more energy, and for the first time in a very long time, I feel ok about being me. I haven't been successful every day, but I have been honest about it. I have sought accountability and they have cheered me on through small successes and what seemed like huge mountains.

Now, of course I'm only 3 weeks in. But I am more determined than ever that this is my time. That I can make this change and overcome these obstacles coming out on the other end thinner and healthier, but more than that... proud of who I am. Not just mentally, but physically. To be the best I can be for you, my children, and most importantly, for me.

I'd love to have you join me on my journey. Either out loud, or quietly. Perhaps you want to start a journey of your own. Maybe your area of struggle is not the same as mine. That's ok... I have learned that the more honest I am, and the more I can be open about it, the easier it is. I don't even hesitate now to text a girlfriend and let them know that I'm struggling. Or that I feel like I'm STARVING.

Three is not a crowd in this case. Hop on board, change your life for you, with me. To be the best you can be, not only for the people you love, but more importantly for you.


  1. So how are you doing now, 7ish months later?

    1. each day is a battle, some are easier than others. I've had some significant health issues that have caused weight loss (internal yay) but not the way I had hoped. I'm still working at it but I'm looking to change a lifestyle rather than for the short term change.
